Custom Docs Generation
Stencil exposes an output target titled docs-custom
where users can access the generated docs json data. This feature can be used to generate custom markdown or to execute other logic on the json data during the build. As with other docs output targets, strict
mode is supported.
To make use of this output target, simply add the following to your Stencil configuration.
import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
export const config: Config = {
outputTargets: [
type: 'docs-custom',
generator: (docs: JsonDocs) => {
// Custom logic goes here
Property | Description | Default |
generator | A function with the docs json data as argument. | |
strict | If set to true, Stencil will output a warning whenever there is missing documentation. | false |
Custom Docs Data Model
The generated docs JSON data will in the type of JsonDocs
which consists of main components
array which consists of components that stencil core found and meta information such as timestamp
and compiler
Property | Description |
components | Array with type of JsonDocsComponent[] which consists component information |
timestamp | string with timestamp |
compiler | Object with typescriptVersion , compiler , and version |
Property | Description |
dirPath | Component directory path |
fileName | File name |
filePath | File path |
readmePath | Readme file path |
usagesDir | Usages directory path |
encapsulation | Component encapsulation type. Possible values are shadow , scoped , none |
tag | Component tag described in .tsx file |
readme | Component readme file first line content |
docs | Description written in top of @Component e.g. /* Documentation Example /. If no JSDoc is present, default to any manually written text in the component's markdown file. Empty otherwise. |
docsTags | Annotations (In the way of JSDoc ) written in .tsx file will be collected here |
overview | Description written in top of @Component e.g. /* Documentation Example / |
usage | |
props | Array of component properties information |
methods | Array of component methods information |
events | |
listeners | |
styles | |
slots | |
parts | |
dependents | Array of components where current component is used |
dependencies | Array of components which is used in current component |
dependencyGraph | Describes a tree of components coupling |